Late Again/ We Imagined

By gkgaius,

Published on Aug 22, 2024   —   1 min read

Late Again

I'm late again. Moist! again and again.
Why, late? I simply was right on time 
( ) but I'm left doing things. ?
What am I doing? I'm chaos. Filled with 
Chaos and now I'm still in chaos.
Life? I'm still in chaos

late again baybee, I'm late? again. Again
and again.!!!!!
when do I meet fickle? U - what am I 
doing. I'm so lost. What am I doing?
I'm late every fooking time. I

I'm late again. I'm late again. What am 
anarchy? I'm late again. There's a lot going 
on shattered around the world. Oh 
my my, whoa whoa, what goes?

We Imagined

We imaged the world to be like this 
filled with ghosts - I met one on Christmas 
Deaths - I saw a plane crash 
Dogs - I met a huge one with a sprite t shirt 
Food - my least favorite spaghetti and olive's mint

We imagined and brought it to reality. 
I see now everywhere,
Pink floors, birthdays, cakes 24/7, unicorns 
How did we get here if not for the singing 
and the shotgun used in the world's 
money burning.
if not for Christmas that brought no 

The dog now crashes the party and more 
money wasted through burning 
We are now advanced. Our top has has 
Finally broken

Thanks for reading these poem my dear friends. They were written many years ago and I thought it best to publish them without editing. The 19 year old had a reason why these poems were conjured in his imagination. So proud of you 19 year old me.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I shall see you again on Saturday :) 
Till next time,
Deo Volente

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